"Heavenly Treasure"
Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven

GLOCAL enables our church to engage with and support the following ministries. Without us they cannot achieve what God has placed on their hearts. Without them we cannot achieve what God has given us to do:
Amy and Mesfin: Supporting Amy and Mesfin as they continue to adjust to life in Australia while serving God and raising their family.
John and Kay Hodge: Supporting Kay & John who continue to grow Christian International Peace Service. They work in developing nations helping to provide conflict analysis and peace building initiatives.
Community Support: Our church walks alongside our community, supporting members in need through Connect Global, Compassion and food hampers.
Food Bank: Setting up a Foodbank store within a local community to provide affordable food for community members.
Church Outreach: To assist our church in leading people into a closer relationship with Jesus through events such as family fun days and Alpha.
Jodie's Place: Jodie's place is a refuge for women and children who have experienced domestic violence and homelessness. A place for women and children to safely plan for their future.

GLOCAL TARGET for 2024/25 $20,000
Christmas Hampers 2024

Just prior to Christmas 2024 we had the opportunity to deliver over 55 food hampers to families in our local community that were in need of a little Christmas cheer.
We would like to thank the members of our church at New Vine Vineyards for contributing goods to the 20 hampers we were able to deliver to the local primary school.
We would also like to thank Kirsten Power who collected items from local families and put together another 35 hampers that we were then able to distribute via our Food Bank.
What an amazing and generous community we live in. Thank you to everyone involved!